Green Roof is a topic that has long been discussed by many people for green earth again. Some decades ago had preached about the building in Jakarta who started greening in the roof of the building (Green roofs) to reduce the heat slightly and at the same time beautifying. However, it does not just apply to buildings, the roof of our house can be transformed into green.
Making the park above or in the upper house, flat and was able to put the plants not only make your home or a little more beautiful but also can reduce heat in the house. According to existing data, if the plant is in the roof has about 10 cm high it can reduce air conditioning usage around 25%. A room located directly below the Green Roof has a lower air temperature is around 3-4 ° Celsius compared with the air temperature outside the room.

In addition to providing little cool atmosphere in the house, the plants in the house (green roof) also can reduce the damage to the roof, a cracked concrete example and so on. Green Roof also function as air filters that make the air cleaner and as an information, one square meter of grass on the roof can remove approximately 0.2 kg of dirty air particles each year. Let's do the little things for this world.
Splash: otakku
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